Hailing from the heart of Harlesden North West London, Big Zeeks (real name Ezekiel) discovered early on in life where his passion truly lay. Born to Jamaican parents, Ezekiel grew up exposed to an array of the Island’s finest musical exports including Bob Marley, Dennis Brown, Peter Tosh and Garnet Silk to name a few.Little did Ezekiel know, this would contribute to the artist we know as Big Zeeks today.Attributing his style to Jamaican artists like Super Cat and drawing inspiration from likes the of Gappy Ranks and the late Anthony Robinson, known to many as Tubby T.
“My Style isn’t just dancehall, I have a one-away, energetic and unique sound, I am the definition of UK DANCEHALL” Moving forward Big Zeeks has progressed as an artist in the Reggae Dancehall scene as well as being a DJ and sound engineer, performing at many shows around the UK and the world spreading his positive energy and great performance skills.